Melting Point is the degree when solid becomes soft, eventually becoming liquid and a boiling point is reached. Glaze melts, clay and glass soften, surface and form become pliable. This exhibition surveys a ​diverse ​group of artists whose use of the melting point is central to their practice. Used metaphorically, as the planet warms we are finding ourselves closer to the melting point both physically and socially. In 2020, forces combined under pressure of the COVID virus, politics exploded and nature responded with melting ice, raging fires and extreme weather. Likewise, artists use the melting point as a metaphor in their work to express their political beliefs and sound the alarm using the fragile materials of glass and ceramic. The exhibition is ​a ​collaboration​ between ​Heller Gallery, located New York City’s Chelsea and Ferrin Contemporary in North Adams, MA on the MASS MoCA campus​. The co-curators and gallery directors are renowned specialists in their fields, Leslie Ferrin (ceramics) and Katya Heller (glass).


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GLASS 1500 °f


CERAMIC 1800 °f


selected works from exhibition